Welcome to my Medical Journey and Information Blog

This blog is my about my medical journey with some insightful information. I will share what my condition is, the process I'm in with the medical society and how it's all effecting my life. My hope is that it passes off good information to all who reads it.

I guarantee you will come away with some insightful information.

You can also be cheered up in my joke section. And maybe you might even be comforted by some of my poems, even the ridiculous ones.



Oh, little fly how pretty your glow

How was this done? I wanted to know.

Dancing around and flicking your light

Delighted I watched and took in this sight.

I listened and watched the performance was grand,

The stage was set with your very own band.

The sound came across the lake from the loon

It seemed you were glowing to this favourable tune.

The orchestra rhythms from crickets below

Followed by croaking that sounded quite low.

The swoosh of the trees the wind got involved

Exciting the owl, his head just revolved.

Participants freely in each of their parts,

How nature expresses and touches the heart.

Now I must go it’s getting quite late,

This evening has been a memorable date.

Thanks for the romance and beautiful night.

I’ll leave it to you to turn out the light.

Written by Me... R.F.
May 13/09